Vasbyt "To endure" pt1

The three girls stood leering through bloodshot eyes at Koos Piet and Frits, having been teargassed out of bed wasn't their way of waking up.

Frits stood forward "Before we begin I want to extract a small blood sample from each of you, so extend your arms" He said and they lifted, he took a few milliliters of blood from each then nodded at Koos leaving.

Koos folded his arms.

"We'll be starting what we call 'Vasbyt' today, in English it means to endure, it's a test to see how resilient you are both physically and mentally, out of a thousand soldiers who wanted to join the special task force in recent years only twelve made it through, we'll break you down, then build you up again into the soldiers we want you to be"

Kisara gave a little snicker making Koos frown.

"I don't know how that sounded funny half wolf?"

"I'm sorry, what can you humans possibly do to us that will break us down? You don't have it in you"