Vasbyt pt2

Kishra's glare faded "You're right, that was rude of her"

"Good, then I'll place a hundred on Kisara" Piet turned to Frits.

"I'll place a hundred on that furball Guinevere"

Koos turned to them "You boys are joking me right?"

"What do you mean?" Frits asked.

"Look at Guinevere, have you ever seen a 17 year old girl that ripped? It's clear she did some extensive weight training and other types of exercise to build herself up like that, so she'll probably be the last one to puke.

Kisara will be second, sure she's got an athletic body but she did no where near the type of strenuous exercises Guinevere did, so yes she's rough and tough, but was still a little spoiled brat.

As for Shakira, as much as it pains me to say, that little pinprick will hurl first, the kid was focused on her books at school instead of training, sure she was taught how to fight, but she never trained hard... She's first"

Piet stuck his hand out "Deal then"