Vasbyt pt4

Guinevere arrived at the men first and dusted off what she could of the mud, oil and blood.

"Enjoying yourself Guinie?" Koos asked.

She only glared at him.

"I wonder, if you were yourself, would you still glare at me like that?"

"If I was myself, I'd have ripped you apart by now" She said and he chuckled.

"Hustle you two!" He yelled at Kisara and Shakira who slowly approached "Guinevere was the one who dislocated her hip and she came here quicker!"

"For once in your life can you stop with the insults!" Kishra yelled.

"The insults come now, the appraisal comes later, I want to see if these girls really have it in them to be better than they were"

"And if its too much for them?"

"It won't be, it's all in the mind"

"Yes, like these stupid things you make them do! Jumping into oil! Rolling down a rocky slope! Puking water! Who does these kinds of things!?" Kishra asked.