Vasbyt pt5

"You didn't do this! You useless humans would die! This is not fair!" Shakira yelled looking at the water "And this water is dirty, slimy, gross!"

"Get in!" Koos yelled grabbing her and throwing her in.

"You bastard!" She yelled coming up.

"Everything you will go through we also endured! The only difference is because you are supernatural you will do it a little longer than we did, that's all! The rest is precisely what we did, no special treatment!" Koos said standing aside, both Guinevere and Kisara also climbed in.

"Yuck, there's a layer of slime on the bottom of this dam" Shakira said, the dam was just deep enough for her head to stick out.

"See you girls tomorrow, remember I want to see only your heads, nothing else"

The three men left them and they turned to each other but the boredom almost instantly got to them.

Kisara sighed and looking at Guinevere "So, uh, how was, I mean, what kind of guy was, uh, dad?"