It was aimed at you

Luna's heart was in her throat, yesterday Kishra showed up telling her the sabers got wiped out, then with them Shakira as well, she allowed Kishra to enter the house in order to explain, but what she said was the worst news Luna has ever heard.

"My mother crates these mummified wolves every now and then, she doesn't make a lot, only a select few gets chosen, having too much of them will cause her to weaken and those with the curse will slip out and be freed of it" Kishra didn't sit down, she stood one side as if addressing a corporal.

"Claire and Nina we're made into these mummies, my mother said the hyena has great stealth and Claire was a proper beauty, meaning she can use her beauty to seduce men, even some women... But her main reason for making Claire that thing, was to get at you Luna" Kishra saw the white haired woman blink "I don't know what history you have with her, but that was targeted at you"