You must leave

Derrick fell back on the couch, since he started working on this farm he felt a lot more relaxed, accept for the werewolf thing, but that's in the past for now since that other wolf said she won't bother him again.

He took out his phone and hovered his finger over the dial button for Kara, but he hesitated and put it down, maybe she will call him again, right?

There was a noise in the house and he sat up, secretly wanting it to be his white wolf friend, but instead the large male figure came into the living room, he flew up.

"Hey!? Who the fuck are you!? And what the fuck are you doing in my house!?"

The man laughed slowly and menacingly, Derrick recognized that laugh.

"Hello little brother"

Derrick felt his stomach turn "Seth..."

He stepped into the light "Wow you're not a pipsqueak anymore"

"Why are you here Seth!?" Derrick said balling his fists.

"I came to ask if you want to join the gang again?"