Here I start talking

Eyvor slowly came around the mast to find a young woman on her knees scrubbing the deck, she was mumbling to herself, cussing and swearing.

"Ahem?" Eyvor said making her shriek and fly to her feet.

"Who are you!?" She yelled drawing her sword.

"I came looking for Alice"


"I, well I want to talk to her"

The woman frowned "Who are you?"

"My name is Eyvor Fenrir, I'm her daughter"

Her eyes widened "You're, my sister"


"I'm Luna, my mother told me I had an older sister, I just never thought I'd meet you"

"What are you doing with her then? You don't seem the fighting type?"

"I can fight... It's just, it has horrid consequences for me, and mother uses that to her advantage"


Kishra was up early standing on the porch looking out on the ocean. She didn't want to be here, she'd rather be with Koos, and observe how he trained the girls.