It wants blood

Kishra stood watching the three men, Dean's neck twisted back and healed up, Justin stood up holding his nose, Allen was still down.

"There you have it" She said but slipped a giggle "My goodness, forgot how fun it is fighting werewolves, they just heal up right?" She said and pointed at Sasha, who held her hands up "You're next"

"Oh no! I don't stand a chance against you!" She peeped.

"I know, you and Kara can throw a fist and haul a heel but fight on par with me is years away from you..." Her pointing finger shifted to Luna "As for you, will you honor me by showing these pups how two aged Amarok's fight?"

Luna still angry at her stepped down and placed her cup on the porch.

"Kick her ass ma!" Sasha yelled.

"No, I will be kicking hers! Difference is she won't go down as quick as the pups!" Kishra said.