
Koos lifted the newly created shotgun shell from his loading bench and held it on eye level.

"Piet!" He called standing up.


"Bring me your pump action, I finished that round"

Piet came into the workshop holding the firearm "That the special one you spoke of?"


"Fokkit! Can I shoot it!?"

"No, let me test it first" Koos said taking the shotgun from him "Let's go"

Out side First was watching the girls walk to the gate and back with sandbags on their shoulders, Koos wanted to show him the round when Kishra appeared with a cloud of smoke, making the three men jump.

"Hoi! How many times do I have to say don't just fokkin pop up like that!" Koos yelled.

"Good you got a gun, let's go!" Was all Kishra said and grabbed his arm then vanished with him.

Back on the beach Kishra brought Koos through but he was bellowing loudly "Next time fokkin warn me first!"