I'd rather be dead

"Did you..." Eduardo asked coughing "Did you save me?"

"Yes sir, the beauty of resuscitation on a werewolf is you only need to get the heart beating, the body will rescue itself from there on out"

Eduardo laid back wincing as his wounds closed up.

"You seem the oldest sir, I need something strong to drink"

"Dean, get this man a bottle of whiskey" Eduardo said and held his hand to Koos.

"Thank you sir"

"The name's Koos" He said taking Eduardo's hand.

"Never thought I'd be rescued by a human"

Koos smiled and stood up looking at the rest on the porch "Now, let's get down to business... So many secrets, secrets, secrets" Koos said stroking his beard and watching Luna.

Dean brought the bottle out and handed it to him "Thanks boet"

"What did you shoot Luna with?" Kishra asked.

"Should I fokken tell you!? I feel like keeping it a secret! Since you lot still keep a shit load of secrets from me!"