Your biggest secret

In Cleopatra's conquest to overthrow wolves that might pose a threat to her she sent Derrick and Claire to all sorts of places to kill them.

The supposed Draufganger pack house was their latest task and thanks to what they both were it was a slaughter field.

Derrick sat up in this unfamiliar place, with anger in his mind he somewhat remembered the blood and flesh of the night before, it was chilly here, he could almost sense the snow cold outside.

The room was empty accept for the bed he was asleep on, that copper smell of blood still hung in the air, looking down he saw he was dressed in pants only, someone must have done it, he didn't remember doing it himself.

"Claire?" He called but found no answer.

He walked out the room and found the hallway sprawled with dismembered bodies, somehow it didn't make him gag, he felt it normal now.

"Claire!" He yelled again.

"Over here" She answered somewhere deeper in the building.