Haunted cabin

Piet was in a pickup heading to Alaska. Luckily the two duffle bags Koos gave him was all he needed, one contained his weapons, the other money, loads of it.

The sun wasn't low, but it was already late afternoon when Piet arrived in Chitina, he stopped outside the bar and shut the door, thinking a beer or brandy was good to kick off his hunt.

He slowly walked towards the doors and scanned the town, it was quiet, no real movement, he then stepped through the double swinging doors where the whole bar went quiet, he wore a trenshcoat and a Russian cap over his head. A scarf around his mouth up to his nose, only exposing his light grey eyes. He scanned the people's faces then lifted a hand.

"Evening gents evening" He said and walked to the bar, his friendly greet had the people continue with what they were doing.

"Brandy please" He said sitting down.

"Brandy hey? Here in these parts we call that moose piss" The barman said and laughed.