Spooky rumors

Entering the bar again Piet made sure he had his two magnum five hundreds with him, it was the two new revolvers Koos gave him to replace his old forty four's, and just to be safe he loaded his revolvers with the rubidium rounds, they were sure to make a nice splash if he needed to. Though this witch might not have noticed it yet, the hunt was on, and Piet was out for blood.

"Another brandy for me sir" Piet said, hiding his accent as best he could, trying to make it as American as he possibly could. The barman set the bottle down and continued wiping a glass.

"So, by what name does my new best customer go by?"

"P... Patric, and you?"

"Frank, what brings you to the silent town of Chitina?"

"Oh, looking for a new life, something like that"

"Many men and women come here doing that, especially McCarthy, there's loads of millionaires moving there to start a life free of civilisation"