From out the glass

Event less, absolutely event less! Nothing came at him and Piet was starting to get frustrated, the snowmobile started coughing and eventually stalled, he climbed off checking his gps, not far now, he'll walk.

On his way he passed another stranded snowmobile almost completely covered in snow, this must have been Phillip's, good, the man came till here, the second snowmobile wasn't around, so the two men must have used it to go the rest of the way. Piet walked and walked, the forest was quiet, no noises not even from owls.

"Is this some kind of joke?" He asked himself.

"She must really think that pack of young pups finished me off?" He said when he finally reached the mines, there stood the last snowmobile, so they made it here after all...

Piet got the feeling they've been lead here, no one would just come this far during the months of dark, Phillip must have been desperate.