He saw too much

Piet descended the steps of the building and stepped out, there was nothing, it confirmed what he saw above, there was absolutely nothing here, where was all the blood? The tracks in the gravel? Piet swore to himself that he blew a couple of those wolves up, and that large wolf!? It should have left tracks!

"Fok Phil, did I send you here?" Piet said feeling this whole place is fucked up, the air cool and smooth, not even a whiff of rotten flesh.

There was a deep bellow behind him and he turned quickly expecting that thing again, but this time he found a wolf... Yes, but it had no skin, Piet felt a shrill up his spine.

"Okay, now I saw everything" He said lifting the shotgun.

The skin less wolf roared and charged but Piet opened fire at it, the slugs tore at it violently and it turned to make way, but Piet shot at its legs making it fall.

"No no, you're dying right here you ugly fokker!" He screamed and loaded his rubidium rounds.