To ask her a question

'Bloodthirst' Piet thought, that's an adequate name for it.

"Shell shock, it affects people in all sorts of ways, mine doesn't just make me hit the deck at the sound of a bang, it makes me squeeze the trigger and hold"

There was a moment of silence between them, then Piet looked at Frank.

"Maybe, if it's not to much to ask, you, or someone else should probably go hunt for me, I don't want it to happen again"

Amarinth took the brandy bottle from him and drank from it.

"Did you use a rocket launcher? Or a bazooka? Those wolves were blown apart, no revolver does that" She said wiping her mouth, the brandy didn't even make her cough. Piet took out one of his revolvers and placed it on the table, Frank gasped.

"This is fucking big"