It was the glacier

"Eyvor, called her mother?" Koos asked.

"Yes, she desperately tried to convince her mother to stop pursuing other wolves, saying it's not what Blair wanted, but the mother was Hell bound on continuing her quest to track these so called Amaroks, Eyvor then used a magnificent lightning and ice technique to freeze her mother in a glacier.

Unfortunately it seemed Eyvor was too weak to evade her own technique and was frozen over with her"

Koos looked at her wide eyed "So? You say that happened here in Alaska?"

"Yes..." Amarinth said and looked at Piet "You fought against my wolves right on top of the glacier they were imprisoned in"

Piet also sat wide eyes now "Fok! Now those heaps of bones makes sense! Its to distract people from the glacier!"

Anna and Amarinth looked at each other, then at him "Well, yes" Anna said.

"But are they dead?" Frits asked.

"Maybe, in a deep sleep, almost like hibernation, the body is basically stuck in time"