Your last test

Koos and his men spent the day explaining exactly what happened in the past and why they needed to stop Cleopatra, when the sun was in half he stood up, the three girls ended up having more than just two drinks and they were drunk off their feet.

"I told you three you should only have two" Koos bellowed.

"Oh, ssh, I enjoyed it" Shakira said standing up but fell, Frits caught her and threw her over his shoulder. Koos had Kisara under his arm and Piet lifted Guinevere.

"Let's go, the final test starts now" Koos looked at Anna and Amarinth "Would you two mind helping us with this?"

"Okay? What do you need us to do?" Anna asked.

"Come, I'll explain as soon as we get to a safe spot"

Koos and Frits climbed onto the Ratel allowing the rest to sit inside, Koos ordered Piet to drive to an open area safe from population.

After about half an hour Frits checked his scans and nodded at Koos.