The new Alpha

Kisara and Guinevere watched the headless body topple over, shocked to see their best friend, comrade, dead...

The two turned to the Ratel and both had something to roar out.

"You bastards!" Kisara roared.

"That Ratel won't keep you safe from us!" Guinevere followed up.

"This is not the time to turn your attention on them" Anna said appearing on the Ratel "Your friend is not dead... In fact, she is reborn"

The two looked at the body of Shakira, it still laid motionless.

"I understand now what Koos meant by testing your ability to be an Alpha Kisara, prepare yourself" Anna said and disappeared.

Guinevere and Kisara watched the body in suspense, then it twitched and moved, which freaked the two out at first, but then the head grew back, as soon as the vocal cords were healed the screams came but a roar replaced it.

Shakira turned to the other two, her face in shock "What's, what's going on with me!?"