Game of chase

Kisara watched Guinevere and Shakira charge past her on each side after the Ratel, she felt this heaviness in her chest, this sense of pride, is this the feeling of being a pack leader?

She knows Koos said she'd be the team leader, they just outward nominated her, and the other two had nothing to say about it, now though, it sank in, Kisara felt this need in herself, the need to lead them, the need to protect them, the need to kill alongside them, she threw her head back and howled the call into the air then set off after the Ratel.

"You think we should help them?" Anna asked as they watched from a high tree.

"No... I still feel slightly insulted by almost dying by the hands of a human, they brought this upon themselves" Amarinth smiled evily and her violet eyes started to glow.

"Even if we said we'd help them?" Anna asked.

"This is a good test, if they can't survive those three young ones, they'll never survive against Cleopatra"