He is, the Black wolf

"Where are we this time!?" Derrick asked as they came out of Claire's jump.

"We are back at Cleopatra's mansion in Johannesburg" Claire said stubbornly "You are insubordinate! You do not follow my commands!"

"I told you! She can't die yet!"

"What's going on Here?" Cleopatra asked coming into the room.

"Your new wolf likes to stray off the path! He listens not to my orders!"

"And you brought him back to me?"

"I cannot work with him!" Claire said.

"Well, there's more than one way to leash a dog" Cleopatra said approaching Derrick but he took a step back

"What? By cursing me as well?"

Cleopatra paused "Oh, you found out?"

"I asked Claire, and no matter how dark my path is now, I don't like what you did to her"

Cleopatra laughed "Oh, compassionate aren't we? It seems your wolf is now fast asleep, if it was him in charge it wouldn't have cared for Claire"