The plan is in motion

Caynine watched Guinevere after she spoke that phrase, there was a pause among the two but then he tilted his head and smiled "I thought our ally was killed by Cleopatra?"

"The perks of having a twin sister I guess" Guinevere said retracting her claws.

"You don't seem to have any remorse?"

"She stood in my way, she hindered a lot of my plans"

"So you consider it better she's dead?"

Guinevere looked to the snow at her feet, her face spelled 'not really' but she answered "Maybe, Cate would never have followed the cause"

"Sacrifices are made every day, that was one of them, I on the other part am glad you came out on top" Caynine said.

"Yes, now get to business, what is Jasper's next move?"

"He's currently not focused as much on Cleopatra, instead he's looking for ways to find the Astral plains" Caynine said.

"Where is it?"

"No one but Blair knows, that's why we must continue doing what he asked us, to bide him some time"