You are now a Great wolf

"Spirits? What kind of spirits?" Blair cautiously asked.

"You need not know of them yet child, all I can tell you now, is you can't die here, you are the last of the Aniwaya, the clan died during a clash against another Cherokee tribe, and if you die now, both the Astral plains and the world of the living will be in jeopardy"

"Ani... Waya?"

"The wolf clan"

"But, my clan is the Cherokee?"

"A branch of the tribe, you where shown mercy by your Apache father, he adopted you after they found you in a crib after the clash"

Blair's heart sank and she hung her head "Then, why drive my father's silver knife into my heart? If he showed me mercy as a baby?"

"Because they did not understand, they are oblivious to the legend, they only see the spirits of the Astral plain as folklore, the Aniwaya clan where the only ones who knew of this danger, but since they are no more, it is up to you to start your own clan, and be ready to defend the living"