The hunter

Maikah allowed five years to pass so Blair could at least grow a little, there was no point in sending a child into a nightmare, she would not be in adequate condition to face wat many concerns to be horrific creatures.

Blair learned well, she took in all Maikah had to teach like a spunge and grew into a beautiful teenage girl, but this is as much time as Maikah could allow, the first of the astral spirits are already roaming the Appalachian mountains in Virginia.

"Blair" Maikah said one morning early "I know you are still very young, but it's time we set off"

"Okay?" Blair said stopping.

She managed to grasp the wolf, and was able to revert back into her human form to remain hidden from humans, Maikah did all she could to teach her basic reading and writing, there was only so much a wolf could teach a human, about human things.

"We head south, to the Appalachian mountains, there hides the first"