Caged plan

It felt strange to have someone know her secret, for five years she has lived in total isolation, no human could know of her, her duty to them done in total secrecy... Blair looked over her shoulder at Wolfe, but he's no human, he was supposed to be ended by her, yet Maikah said she could give him sanity, a partner, someone who can keep her company, help her face these creatures from the Astral plains.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Wolfe asked and chuckled.

She blinked "I'm sorry, it's just weird having company after all these years"

"You've been alone?"

"No one can know my secret, I will be misunderstood"

Wolfe chuckled again "I understand, I nearly soiled myself when you became that large wolf"

Blair giggled "I'm sorry, I just had to prove a point to you"

"So? What do you do? You know? Do you run around being a wolf? Hunt elk? Scare humans?"