Another werewolf

"Wake up ye blasted wolf!" Boone yelled the next morning and struck the cage with a stick.

Blair flew up and roared.

"Ah yes! I knew I'd see some aggression! You werewolves are a sly bunch!" The stocky man said laughing alongside the four with him.

Wolfe came running in soon after making Blair calm a little.

"Get the drapes men, let's cover her up, Duke! Go to the print and put a message in the newspaper! Spread the word all over Virginia about this wolf!"

"On it boss" Duke said leaving as the rest helped Boone drag a large woven drape over Blair, as soon as it fully covered the cage Wolfe snuck a peek inside.

"You ready?" He asked smiling.

"Yes" She smiled back.

"You can smile as a wolf?" He whispered.

"Wolfe! Come boy leave that thing!" Boone yelled.

"Sorry pappie" He said dropping the drape.

Blair felt the cage shake as the horses got attached to it, then there was a "Ya!" Again and they set off.