
Tom led Blair back to the house but as they approached the front door that woman was waiting there with her arms crossed.

"Sue, she is joining us for dinner"

"Tom in case you have forgotten you haven't hunted anything this past week! We don't have any food to begin with! Unless you want to go slaughter some of your wool sheep!" She yelled.

"Uh, oh-oh" Tom said forgetting that fact.

"And this girl has been interfering with our whole routine on this farm! She's actually costing us money now!"

Blair took a step back, she didn't want them to be fighting over her, she ran off towards the ridge behind the house and scaled it, Tom watched her disappear over it then glared back at Sue.

"Wow! So much for hospitality!"

"What else is there to say Tom!? It's the truth!"

"You never believed anything I tell you anyway! Why should I try and convince you she's a guardian!?"

"Again with that guardian bullshit! Get over it Tom!"