Big John

Blair forgot how it felt to sleep in a bed, in fact, she never felt a bed that comfortable before. The Apache slept on straw covered with worked skin, so sure it was soft, but nothing beat that feather stuffed bed she slept in last night.

"You ready?" Tom asked coming into the kitchen where she and Sue stood.

"I am, I wanted to thank the both of you for your hospitality" She said with her usual nod.

"Any time, you are always welcome here" He said looking at Sue.

"Here, take this" Sue said handing her a leather pouch "There's some apples in there, bread and a bottle of fresh apple juice I made this morning... You do eat apples don't you?"

Blair giggled "Yes I do, thank you so much"

"Then we're off" Tom said but Sue pushed his shoulder "Wait, would you mind if I take a picture with us three together? It's just for a memory?" She asked.

"Sure" Blair smiled.