Sir Jasper Black

"Necromancy, let the life return to the dead, let the flesh regrow on the bone, the skin over flesh, let the mind return and the heart start it's beat"

Blair felt her own heart pound faster and faster, this was it! She's finally taking a step towards the Aniwaya clan, she's bringing forth her first member!

She closed her eyes, then focused hard, she could feel the workings of necromancy at play, she opened her eyes again now lit up like lanterns shining violet, the white of her eyes now glowing with a dark purple, it's working! She could feel it!

"Earth, lift the lid that clamps shut this grave"

Blair felt the words come out of her mouth as if she was trained to use these elements for years! It came so naturally it almost scared her.

The ground quivered slightly and the lid of the grave got hoiseted at it's head and foot by two pillars of dirt.