Young and foolish girl

Blair walked with her feet dragging, she needed sleep, the ritual involving Jasper had her near passing point, and her heart on top of it sore for poor Tucker.

She looked up at the Knight who walked in front, eyes scanning for a place to sleep then stopped and held his hand to her "Here my lady" He said taking her hand and leading her into a stable, the horses inside calmly watched them as they passed and found a patch of hay one side.

Blair lied down on it and sighed "Thanks Jasper"

"My pleasure, I will scout the surrounding for movement and be right back"


The large man left her in peace, giving Maikah a gap to appear to her "You have done well Blair"

"I... It feels like it almost killed me"

"The necromancy is a power only used by someone who has a lot more experience, and usually a lot older and stronger girl, you have taken some big steps for your age"

Blair smiled "I killed the Hellhound"