Afraid of water?

Alice walked back the way they came. The only thing she could think of is the medicine on her ship, but something that didn't quite draft out for her was Blair's symptoms, the fever picked up quick in the beginning, but she seems to have beaten it slightly, Blair was still hot but not as hot as before.

Regardless, this isn't the symptoms that she knows the reports are, the people complained about feeling cold, they have a runny stomach, then a headache and only from there does the serious symptoms kick in, Blair had the fever right off the bat.

She stopped when she heard a rustle in the brush left of her, out of a bush the three wolves cautiously stuck their heads out.

"Alice" Fenrir said.

"You shifted?" She asked looking up and down the road, they were alone.

"How is the girl?"

"She's worrying me, she showed serious signs immediately, I need to get her to my ship as soon as possible"