Mad dog disease

Skoll slowly walked, caring to feel how Blair's body shifts on his back so he could rebalance her. As he approached the town he braced himself, there are not many people around, but those who will see him might lose their minds, he stood almost as tall as a horse.

Skoll only kept the high masts of the ships in view as he walked through, people gasped as he passed, some ran, some only stood in awe as he slowly made his way to the docks, one woman actually stood a step forward and addressed him.

"The girl? Is she okay?"

Skoll looked at her and hung his ears, she got the idea and stood back "She's infected!"

He paid her no mind and continued, as he came around a corner Alice almost ran into him, she shook gasping "Skoll!?" She hissed in a whisper.

"She passed out! The situation is dire!" He growled at her.