First date

"Come in!" Alice called.

The newly fixed door opened and Fenrir stepped in, Hati next, then came Skoll but his dress up was a lot like the Vikings back in the day, although it did fit him well.

"Welcome you three" Alice said holding her hand to the table.

Fenrir stood watching Alice with hawk eyes, she saw him but ignored it completely.

"Skoll, please sit down in front of Blair" Alice continued feeling she could laugh at Fenrir.

Without really knowing what was going on Skoll came over and sat down, but now directly across her, he realized how different her leathers was, his stomach cramped and his heart raced.

"Good, now Fenrir and Hati, please come help me get the food and drinks" Alice said.

"Yes captain" Hati said snickering at Fenrir's face.

The three left and Alice winked at Blair as she closed the door.

Blair swallowed hard and looked at Skoll, who was equally red in his face.