May I?

Hati sat with his back to the rail in front of the ship, far across Alice and Fenrir stood talking in each other's arms, only a lantern next to them, they leaned in and kissed.

"Oh brother" Hati said looking away but looked right into the eyes of Alteltiella, who managed to sneak up on him through the gap in the deck and rail, she was on her stomach leaning with her chin on her hand.

"Wha!" He yelled tumbling over.

"So~? spying on the captain hey" She said lifting herself onto her elbows.

"No I wasn't!" He said sitting up again, those shark like eyes had him chilling.

Alteltiella looked at the two, still kissing, but softly and slowly "That's, so romantic don't you think? Look at them? They're just absorbing each other, not once has he or she attempted to remove the clothes of the other"

Hati looked back, it was true, they did really just stand there in their own world.

"Mind of I join you?" Alteltiella asked.