Its in Africa

"Did I interrupt something?" Maikah asked seeing for a second the two part from each other.

"You kinda did Maikah" Blair said stepping past the bewildered Skoll.

"I apologize" She said and looked at Skoll "You have done well to cure her young man"

"S, sure" He said still stepping back.

"Maikah? Did you bring news?" Blair asked.

"Yes..." She saw something on Blair's expression "You're glowing Blair, you seem, renewed?"

"I, might have found a companion" She whispered looking at Skoll, he was still wide eyed.

"Skoll, this is Maikah, she's the one who helped me thus far"

"Oh, so she's not some ghost?"

"No, she's like a mother to me"

He calmed "Now I understand"


"Hello formally then Maikah" He said.

The wolf nodded and looked to the young woman "Blair, there is another creature that escaped the plains, but it's in Africa"
