First to Spain

"Rise and shine land lovers! Ye be sleepin in ey! Get-up or ye walk the plank!" Alice yelled.

"Pirates!" Blair screamed falling out of her hammock, she got to her feet but saw Alice folded over laughing.

"Only one encounter with them and it's enough to make you squeal!"

Blair folded her arms embarrassed, Hati and Skoll who saw this from their own hammocks also laughed.

"Its not funny" Blair peeped.

"Oh it was! Come you lot, we're lifting anchor and need help above deck" Alice said still trying to contain her laughter.

"Hey? Where's Fenrir?" Skoll asked not seeing him.

"He shared my bed last night, so he's already above deck preparing, come on! Let's go!" Alice said slapping her hands and leaving.

Skoll and Hati looked at each other "Oh, the bastard scored hey?"

"With the captain!"

"Yeah–!!" The both of them cheered.

"What does it mean when he scores with the captain?" Blair asked and the two laughed.