Arrival in Egypt

The trip to Spain was an eventless one, no sightings of pirates, all that was left was the scenery and Blair was in awe over the landscape as they passed it now approaching the naval port.

"I'm going to need all afternoon here you lot, chances are they will give us a new corvette so this one can go for full repairs, it's still rather battered up after that incident with the pirates" Alice said.

As the ship lined up Blair heard Alice give a deep sigh.

"What now?"

"Him..." She gestured with her head to the man in naval uniform marching down the piers.

"Who's he?" Blair asked.

"He's my admiral, Sanchez, geez he's such an asshole"

"Should I beat his face in?" Fenrir said smacking his hand with a fist.

"No, none of you do anything, no matter what he says stay quiet and do nothing, understood?" Alice said, her face clearly expressing hate.

"Uh, okay" Fenrir said looking at Blair, then at Skoll.