Figure on the dunes

"Odd, in all my life's conquest I never thought I'd see a desert?" Skoll said as they came out of town and watched the dunes in the distance.

"How long did you fight alongside your brothers? I mean? You died when you where twenty right?" Blair asked.

"Five years, I started up at fifteen"

She looked at him with a wide smile "At fifteen!?"

"Yes?" He looked at her brightened face "Why are you smiling like that?"

"No, it's, rather impressive, you going at that age to war with your brothers..." Her face went to the dunes "I, find you very impressive... Myself? I must be rather pathetic, I'm always scared, always uncertain, afraid..."

He took her face in his hand and drew her to him quick, then gave her an equally quick kiss on her lips, which instantly had her mind off those thoughts.

"You snuck that in!" She said surprised.