To hold each other

"Vikings don't die easily? But...?" Blair asked him confused.

"My final moments in life... Was spent in a harsh battle against the English, they surrounded us, set a trap so to speak, but before I drew my last breath I took down ten of them! I was hit with arrows everywhere, I was stabbed, cut up, axed, but still! In my bloody rage, my breath leaving me I hacked away at them, until it went dark.

By Thor I didn't even know I died! I was so fueled I died on my feet because I remember the last thing I saw was the wide eyes if the one who's throat I cut!" Skoll said holding his bottle of wine up "I died charging, and I was sure I was going to see the gates of Valhalla... But then..." He looked at her.

"Then what?" She asked so stoked by his story she sat at the edge of the bed smiling.

"Then I saw you..."