Pirate nightmare

It was slowly turning into a war, one after another Alice ran into these ships, but they were not normal, or at least they had no normal crew, no matter how well trained or how hard she and her crew fought against them, she barely hot out of each clash with a full ship.

Since Fenrir wasn't on board anymore, it was a lot more difficult to beat these pirates, there was something wrong with them and Alice feared they might have the wolf related, she begged it wasn't because of Blair.

Alice felt her heart sink, she and Fenrir started a family, Alice gave birth to his daughter whom they named Eyvor, but this threat of the pirates was keeping her on the water for longer and longer.

Fenrir moved back to Norway and asked her to join him as soon as she could, but she felt her duty to her country held her in a vice, she couldn't leave until she found this Bloodeye Jack!