I hope Blair forgives me

Alice made sure she had an extra bottle of rum with her when she sat down across the man. He looked up and his eyes went wide.

"By the tides, the infamous captain Alice, in the flesh" He said slowly.

"Say something about my reputation, and I'll finish where Bloodeye left you" She said and pushed a bottle to him.

He produced a weird smile "Where he left me? Where was that Captain? Do you know?"

Alice took a sip of her rum waiting for him to continue.

"He... Wasn't on the ship that came for us, only his flag wove in the wind, we saw that galleon rose out of the water as it picked up speed, those sails stretched to ripping point, we couldn't understand where the wind came from, there was none!"

Alice slowly took the bottle away from her lips, Eduardo frowned at the man then glanced at Alice "You say? On a windless day, a gust pushed the galleon to you?" He asked.