I want my revenge

The crew watched her as she asked the question, her blue eyes gazing over the ocean towards the moon now half risen.

"We always thought it was because you are such an excellent fighter Captain?" Eduardo said.

Alice felt her heart in her throat, this is it, she's going to do it, and didn't care what Blair said... Especially after she heard the sails got pushed by the wind... Who's to say that wasn't Blair's doing in the first place?

She lifted her hands and slowly unbuttoned her captain's jacket, then hung it over their rail next to the steering wheel.

"Ah, yes I do fight rather well, I will admit it, even to myself" She said coming down the short staircase towards them, but she was still loosening her clothing, the men started to get hot in their faces, unsure if they should keep looking or not.

Alice lifted her shirt over her head, they saw her only in a corset, tightly tied to her abdomen, pushing her bust up beautifully.