The Del Carchetore pack

A sense of proudness sat in Alice's heart as she watched her crew now all werewolves, in the back of her mind, a worry, she decided since she disobeyed Blair the least she could do was set up a few base rules they should always follow.

"You all look fantastic" She said and they smiled back at her "We are now the Del Carchetore clan, and I am your Alpha, you all need to understand one thing, this is a secret you will take to your grave, understood?"

"Yes captain"

"You may not share this gift, you may not bite another human! Ever!"

"Yes captain"

"If a human spots you, you bring him to me, and we will give this human a choice, join us and uphold the secret, or die..." She took out a bottle of rum in a cabinet behind her steer then stood up again.