Bloodeye Jack

Alice sat patiently waiting for her crew to hoist the boat up to the ship, Luna sat looking up, clutching her bag in her arms, worrying clearly.

So she said her mother was a bad ass pirate but now being deep in her world Luna realized its not all that fascinating, the men glaring from above were not friendly, and the 'yer's' an yeaar's' made her shiver.

Luna could only speculate as to why her mother wanted her here on this ship, she hoped it had nothing to do with spreading her legs to a pirate.

As the boat stopped its ascend Alice stood up and effortlessly hopped over the rail into the ship "Come" She called after Luna.

The crew grunted and 'Aye'd' loudly when little Luna climbed in making her panic and ran to Alice, this was a nightmare in fact! She didn't want to be here!

"Ye brought us some fresh meat captain!" One said making Alice stop and Luna ran into her.