New breed of wolf

Cleopatra knocked on the door then stood back to look around, this entrance was somewhere deep in a forest and she had difficulty finding it.

She wasn't sure how Jasper managed but it somehow threw her off, she could jump through the shadows to here in this forest, then she had to walk around to pinpoint his exact location.

"It's an awful strange spot don't you think?" Asgina said close by.

"Keep hidden" Cleopatra said.

"Obviously, why did you agree to help this wolf in the first place?" Asgina asked still not showing herself.

"He had heinous intentions, I thought we could use that to our advantage, but now, I'm getting second thoughts" Cleopatra said.

The years paged by slowly and Jasper still didn't come to her for a child, she in the meanwhile had offspring but it was with turned men.