A cut in our relationship

Kazemei stood up from her sitting position and held her face to the sky, closing her eyes and breathing in slowly.

"Master?" Draven asked still sitting.

"There is a disturbance in the wind... The scent of wolf blood is being carried from far across the sea" Kazemei said.

Draven looked towards the ocean from their vantage point, he could never figure out how she feels these things, he barely managed to grasp one element so far and marginally understood that Kazemei listens to the wind.

"If you say wolf blood? What does it imply master?" He asked.

Kazumei took a deep breath, then her face saddened "The wolf, Alice, she's on a different path, once only after one man, now she seeks many..." She opened her eyes "But wolves, not men"

"She... Turned on our kind?" He asked.

"It seems so, and I cannot for the life of me fathom why, as far as I understood Alice was Blair's best and most respected friend"