Can you call me mother?

Where the rain touches the ground, the leaves, the bark, rocks, roofs of buildings the very skin of a being or fur of an animal, the streams in forests, taps, reservoirs, even the humidity in the air... It all dpoke to Alice.

Telling her stories, bringing her news of the wolf, she didnt like it, just as she predicted there where a lot of them, and that's not what Blair wanted

This was the way she snuffed them out, the Amaroks, rhe had a certsin feel to them, a diffrent story than some nirmak wolf, and not one, not two, twenty of them, already some half grown, already adults, some newborns.

What would Blair have said if she was here? Alice could already see the dissapointment on her face, the betrayal, and that's the last thing she wanted for her best friend.

It took her almost three months to track them down, they Amaroks were nit all in one place, telling Alice it was not just the work od obe betrayed Great wolf, they wereworld wide.