The princess

Landing inside her throne room again Cleopatra felt a hard knot in her throat to swallow, Akmah-ra is no wolf, he's a drinker of blood like a vampire.

The lies and deception was absolutely outrageous, and now the thought of seeing Kishra bothered her, blast Jasper and his wicked plans!

She walked over to her table and poured some wine, slightly trembling she first watched the goblet before she took a sip, could she see Kishra the same way now? What is she even? Would she let it bother her?

Even if Cleopatra was a being from the Astral plains, she couldn't help be bothered by the fact that her daughter is the end result of some earth dweller's fucked up idea.

"My Queen?" Naomi asked next to her.

"Have you heard about vampires before my dear?" Cleopatra asked.

"Somewhat, they can't walk at day, and unlike us they live off blood... But real folklore nothing more"