
Blair had no real knowledge of what royalty is, to her there was a chieftain and his wife in a tribe.

Yes she understood what it meant to say a Queen, thanks to Cleopatra, but that was about it.

Now standing in the throne room of the Elven castle her jaw was dropped and her eyes up to the roof, none of this existed on earth yet, sure the humans had technology like musket rifles and cannons, but this, not this architecture.

"So Mai-coh I understand you brought a very young Aniwaya to our walls today" Ramand asked sitting down.

"Yes, due to unforseen circumstances I had to give her the gift of the wolf early in her life, and due to that her opposition has, fooled her, unfortunately"

Ramand leaned in "How so?"

Blair waited for Maikah to explain but when she saw her eyes on herself, she swallowed looking at the king.