
It was her own little mission, to be frank she hasn't heard of anyone for years now, but then again that's the way she liked it.

Rachel hopped into the truck with her new human she learned was named Miles, a troop from England, he was rather friendly and the way he defended her from the General back there clearly a dog person.

Now thanks to his victory over the General she was with him on the back of a truck heading to main base, a main base is sure to bring her way more info than some smelly, moldy moss grown bunkers.

"Where'd you get the pooch Miles?" One of his fellow soldiers asked.

"Back in that refugee camp, must be a stray coz she's got no collar"

"She dangerous?"

Miles stroked her and she kindly licked him back "Does she look dangerous man?"

"Just asking, I heard the Germans train those dogs to attack, I'm telling you the last thing I want to do in this wae is shoot a dog"

"Yeah me too man, me too"